Sunday, March 24, 2019


We have one very big problem that has no solution. That is that Tomas and Arianna are going on a scholastic's trip this week for spring break. It would be fine if it was there own trip with their family, but they are competing in a production competition in Seattle, so they most likely will have no time to do any work on our project while they are competing. At their competition, they are competing in events in which they have 8 hours to come up with a video, film, and edit it. Of course, they won't have any time to work on our project. that basically leads me and Jonathan here alone to do any work that has to be done. The problem is that Arianna really wanted to edit, so we want to leave that to her. Moreover, Jonathan has to work during spring break and has a very tough schedule to balance. I also can't work too much as I am volunteering here at the Miami Open, so I won't have that much time to do anything anyway. This has been on ongoing problem throughout the project. We all have different schedules that don't coincide at all. Jonathan works almost everyday, I have practice everyday, and Tomas and Arianna are always busy with their school work and family stuff. Moreover, It has been a struggle for all of us to be in class as Arianna was involved in a car accident the other day, and Jonathans grandma passed away. This has prevented them from coming to class the past two classes, not allowing us to plan for the upcoming weeks and to complete what is left. We do have a group chat in which we talk in, but it is hard to get a consensus on what we are each going to do and what we have left to do.

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Film Opening

Here is the link to our final product... Enjoy!