With the script we have now, we have a general idea of what we want and need for the project to come out exactly as we want it. It is not much since it is a drama and is supposed to resemble real life very closely.
It is very hard to get us four to find a good day in which we can all meet up and film and talk about the project. As of now, we are using class time as a way to plan out our project and the materials that we need. Outside of school, we are thinking the weekend of March 16 as a day of getting together and filming the fighting scene itself. This is the only day that we can all get together as Jonathan works almost every day, and Tomas and Arianna are going on a field trip the following weekend.
For location, we have in mind using the back of a hardware store for the scene of the fight. We like the loading dock, backstreet type of feel that the back of the store gives. We have to get permission first as it is private property. If we can't film there, we have also thought of the back of a supermarket or a big open field at a local park. all of them are viable options that work equally as well. For the hospital scene, my dad is a doctor, so I asked if he can see if we can use a hospital room to film. He said that it might be possible, but he has to ask, and that we would most likely have to film in a trauma room at night on a weekday; something that may be hard to do with our packed schedules. If we can't get a hospital room, we will make this scene in just a regular room in a house. We would like a hospital room though since it gives a more dramatic effect.
For materials, we are relying a lot on Tomas to use his equipment to film. We also have access to equipment that we can borrow from the school board that can come in handy if there is something specific that we need. The boxing gear and cars will all come from ourselves. Tomas an I both have boxing gear that we can use, such as gloves and mouthpieces. The cars we plan on using are Tonas' Jeep, our friend Armando's Jeep, my friend Maor's BMW, and my Mazda Miata. All these cars add the effect of backstreet, sort of retro feel that we want to give.
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